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Charming, exciting and unpredictable, yet somehow strangely detached from the proceedings, Aquarius is one of the zodiac's most eccentric personalities. His powerful intellect propels him into original thought and desire to take things to the limit in all manner of offbeat directions. Aquarius definitely looks for the unusual and challenging, while at the same time seeking romance, tenderness and understanding in his relationships. Aquarius, a masculine sign, is adventurous and not averse to the thrill of risk-taking. No timidity for him! His optimism and positivity, combined with idealism and the need to break new ground can lead him into quite unfamiliar territory - not that this bothers him, for he is willing to follow any new lead to its conclusion. His sex-drive is not unduly strong, but his need to explore and be stimulated sometimes gives others the impression that his desires are rampant!Be that as it may, he is open to all forms of experimentation (in the search for new knowledge) and the field of sexuality and relationships is no exception. Even though deep down he seeks security, his love of originality and exploring unusual new fields of endeavour gives him an attraction for partners with interesting, unconventional minds (and bodies). If their sexuality is unconventional too, Aquarius will more than play along - at least until he has extracted a new chapter for his own personal x-files.. His emblem is the Water Bearer, pouring the water of originality, idealism and consciousness onto the parched earth of materialism and dullness. Aquarius stands at the vanguard of original thinking and tolerance, so he is not averse to seeking partners from other cultures, or other races. His freedom is extremely important and he hates to be tied down, although, because his mind may be absorbed in some challenging study, he may not notice infringements to this rule for some time. When he does notice, he may react explosively and head for the door. Aquarius is a fixed sign, but he is not stuck in the mud. Aquarius can seem to be rather impersonal, but this is because he is immersed in painting the bigger picture. His deepest needs are for a satisfying and complementary relationship, which gives him freedom and tolerance along with both mental and physical stimulation. With the right person he is a passionate, uninhibited and understanding lover and partner for life.
Aquarius's sexuality is steady, yet unorthodox. He is experimental and love the unorthodox and the unusual in sexual encounters, which he often undergoes, for he is not afraid to follow his desires.Ruled by Uranus, the unconventional god of the sky, Aquarius is always aim high and wild, although his co-ruler, Saturn, the god of karma and restriction, usually keeps his feet firmly on the ground. An unconventional nature makes him impatient with less adventurous souls, while his powerful intellect propels him into original thought and desire to take things to the limit in unusual directions. His sex-drive is not unduly strong, yet his need to explore and be stimulated sometimes gives others the impression that his desires are rampant! Aquariuses are suckers for anything that breaks new ground. They are however able to view their body's activities in quite a detached light, something that partners find difficult to understand. Admirers should be aware of Aquarius's need for experimentation and, from time to time, need for solitude to recharge their batteries.

Independent Aquarius has a lot of secrets, and all of them are unusual. He has what attracts many - he has merry disposition, openness, but if you dig deeper you will see that under this cover a lot of different crankinesses. Today under the influence of spontaneous impulse he gets closer with a person, and tomorrow he becomes estranged. Incredible changeability is the main problem for Aquarius. In bed, depending on the mood, he willingly experiments, but can be satisfied with little. If Aquarius's partner is rather flexible he will not get bored. Exciting love adventures are waiting for him, because all conditions and standards sicken Aquarius. His secret is in unconscious permanent protest against everything that puts a person into any frames, deprives him of feeling of flying. Aquarius wants to try all possibilities, and greedily inhales aroma of exotics. One should keep in mind that love of Aquarius necessarily includes an element of fellowship and brotherhood. He is not satisfied with only sex even though it is so allure. It is not rare that Aquariuses have as a partner in marriage their fellows in children games or friends of the teen years, but life irrefutably proves to them that love is something completely different. It is peculiar of an Aquarius to defend his freedom and independence from too evident encroachments, even if they have been married for many years.


This woman is agile like mercury and splashes inexhaustible joy of existence. She is capable and opens all aspects in everything including love. The more original a person is, the more exotic his life style is, the stronger Aquarius's interest is. She wants to taste everything, but doesn't stand greyness and mediocrity. Weakness of a woman-Aquarius is her likeness for people who do not fall into a pattern of social standards, because in her soul she is a revolutionist. She tries to turn over the foundations, show people around the very sense of the events. And since the society is not ready yet to accept such people she often faces obstacles. And all the same Aquarius will not give in. She will carry in her heart her youthful ardour through her life and will find her own style that will correspond to her restless nature. Friendship plays great role in life of woman-Aquarius. She has a lot of friends, and she doesn't draw a distinction between them according to their social status. The same can be seen in her relations with partners. She likes experiments in everything including sex, and rather often for her it is not an orgasm that is important, but the fact that sh is getting new experience. She want to learn as many sides of life as possible, and that's why her own life often reminds of a wild stream.


Perhaps the most efficient method to arouse passion in Aquarius is to fetter him with a thick chain previously handcuffing him to a bed, or sofa, or any other place where you think it is convenient to make love. As you would expect, having in mind that Aquarius has impetuous imagination, they have a lot of erogeneous zones all ove the body. Nevertheless, when you are in bed with your lover next time, it is quite possible that you would have to massage his calves and shanks. As for Aquariuses themselves, they came to conclusion after different sexual experiments that most sensitive part of their body is their cheek-bones. If the partner covers with hot kisses this part of the body quite possible this would make Aquarius to forget all his toys.

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